It's been a few weeks since the Romance Writers of America conference. It was held in DC this past July. It was an amazing experience. I got to meet so many wonderful authors, agents and publishers. Granted there were a few sangs, such as a flood, car accident and even the death of a family member on the last night it was still great. I plan on going next year if at all possible. I learned so much about the industry it was mind boggling but in a way that got me very excited despite the many, and I mean many hardships writers face. My favorite part was hanging out and just talking to everyone, and there were lots of people to talk to. It was my first conference but I jumped right in. If anyone knows me that's how I am. I do not let the fact that I know no one deter me. As it turned out I knew quite a few people and had not expected them to be there. I had two friends up for awards and made several new friends. I encourage anyone who is thinking about going, or wants to know about the publishing industry to go. Aside from the great people, the workshops are amazing. As it turns out I got to talk to two very wonderful ladies, whom I admire very much. First off I got to meet J.R.Ward, her talk about being a writer was bluntly honest and motivating. Second, I got invited to Nora Roberts' pre-Rita party. She was just so gracious and has one of the coolest personalities. It was a real treat to attend. Now off to more work. After crazy events and more travel than one person should have to do in three weeks this MS is finally going out this week.
In case you are wondering that is a picture of my talented blond friend Sharon Wray, who won first place in the Kiss of Death contest for best Single Title with J.R.Ward in the middle and me in the black and white at the RWA literacy signing.